Make An Appointment

To make an appointment for a counselling session, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Fill up an online Schedule A Session form

Please take note about the appointment hour and my approach for couple session. If the timing and approach work for you, please fill up an online Schedule A Session form with all the required information and click submit. 

Appointment Hour

  • Mon-Thurs, Sun: 1pm to 7pm, Last appointment at 5pm
  • Sat: 1pm to 5pm, Last appointment at 3pm
  • Rest Days: Tues, Fri

Approach for Couple Session

  • I will begin with two separate 90-min individual sessions first with each partner to identify the issues and establish goals for the couple sessions.

Counselling Fee

Counselling fee will be charged at $150 for 90-min individual/couple session, each additional 15 min extension will be charged at $25 accordingly. Counselling fee to be paid at the end of each session thru PayNow to mobile (+65-97815608). 

A cancellation fee of $50 for less than 24 hours notification before the scheduled time for the appointment.

After receiving your completed form, I will follow up with you on the possible appointment dates through email or whatsapp. There will be an email acknowledgement when I receive your completed form. Do check the spam folder if it is not found in the inbox.

Step 2: Prepare yourself for the first session

While waiting for your appointment, you and your partner (for couple counselling) are required to take the following tests before the individual session:

Take three free online Enneagram personality tests 

  1. Enneagram Personality Test (only the classical enneagram test)
  2. Instinctual Variant Assessment
  3. Quick Sorting Test

The objective of the 1st & 2nd test is to identify your possible Enneagram personality types. The 3rd test is for the counsellor to verify your possible Enneagram types.

Step 3: Fill up an online Case Intake Form

After taking all the 3 tests in Step 2, you and your partner (for couple counselling) are required to fill up and submit an online Case Intake Form with all the required information at least 3 days before your individual session so that I could follow up with you on your possible Enneagram types through whatsapp.

There will be an email acknowledgement when we receive your completed form. Do check the spam folder if it is not found in the inbox.

Find out more about the counselling fee and counselling approach.