Date: Sep 23-25 2019
Time: 9.00 am – 6.00pm
Fees: S$1,200. S$990 early bird expires on 31st Jul 2019. (Use coupon code: BBR2019 for the special discount)
Venue: To be determined
Trainer: Peter O’Hanrahan
Program Details
The Enneagram is a holistic system which describes how personality and character structure are formed in three centers of intelligence – mind, heart and body. The Embodied Enneagram workshop is an opportunity to work with all three centers while emphasizing a body-based (somatic) approach to healing and relationships.
Our Enneagram work usually starts in the mind – but our type is not only in our mind! We need to include the emotions and the body to apply the enneagram to our personal growth. In this workshop we will explore the nine character structures and the somatic patterns which shape them. By understanding the specific issues and defenses of each personality type we can apply the best methods of psychology and body therapy in a way that is attuned to the individual person.
You will learn:
- How your personality type is based in neurobiology and temperament.
- Nine somatic structures and the defenses that are part of them.
- Wilhelm Reich’s description of body armor: how unexpressed emotions create patterns of physical tension and restrict our breathing.
- Practical exercises for working with your body, breath and emotions.
- How you can reduce stress and tension in daily life and develop more embodied presence.
- How the body types (ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph) influence the personality type.
Therapists, coaches and trainers will learn body-based practices to use in their professional practice.
The Format:
This workshop combines presentation and discussion with experiential work. The goal is to create a safe space for embodiment and healing – each participant will be encouraged to go at their own pace. Feelings are welcome (but not required). Our practices will include simple stretching and movement exercises, shoulder and neck massage, and guided breathing sessions.
What to bring:
A foam mat, or a yoga mat and thick blanket, for being on the floor plus a small towel. Please wear comfortable clothing. Prior knowledge of the Enneagram is helpful but not required.